Oh God! give me clean hands, clean words and clean thoughts. Save me from bad habits that harm. Teach me to work hard and to play fair. Keep me ready to help others at some cost to myself and give me chances to do some good everyday.

Oh God-my Father, I stand before you as your child. I come to take Your touch before I begin this day. Let Your loving eyes rest upon me as I go from duty to duty. I may be blessed by You, whatever I learn and do today.


India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and feel proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and all elders and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.


High discipline is the keynote of success in every sphere. Without it, there can be no progress. Hence
the sense of discipline needs to be infused in the mind of the children.The Managing Committee of the School reserves the right to waive or add to any of the rules contained in the prospectus without assigning any reason what-so-ever.
The final interpretation of any rule or regulation mentioned in the prospectus rests entirely with the
Governing Body of the School. Their interpretation shall be final and binding on the parents as well as the
students and no court of law will have jurisdiction to decide on its validity.



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.


Academic session begins in March. There are only two terms, Half-yearly exams are conducted in September and final examination in Feb/March. Regular Unit Tests are held between the terms.
Note : The school closes for Summer Vacation in the month of June. The classes commence as usual in the July.



  1. Children will be admitted to different classes according to prescribed age group and holding of achievement tests; in English, Hindi, Math and Science.
  2. Children of two years are liable to take admission in Playgroup. Children of two years and six months to three years are admitted in Pre-Nursery and three years and six months to four years in Nursery.
  3. Parents/Guardians are required to fill up the prescribed application forms, available in the school office from March 1st.
  4. In case of late admission, fees chargeable from the beginning of the First Term ought to be deposited.
  5. Three recent passport-size photographs of the student for identity card, admission form etc. will be required to be furnished.
  6. All the supporting documents as required in the admission form, must be submitted alongwith the form.


Where yesterday’s values are relevant today.


  1. Students must bring home work diary every day.
  2. They must bring appropriate tiffin and water bottle, having their names etc. labelled on them.
  3. Name, class, section and medium must invariably be written on the bag, books, copies and other belongings.
  4. Students must be regular and punctual in attending the school and complete their assignment daily.
  5. No student will be allowed to leave school premises without obtaining permission of the Principal.
  6. Students will be solely responsible for safe custody of their books and belongings, and the school authorities will not be responsible for any loss.
  7. Students returning to school after suffering from infectious diseases must produce medical certificate from a registered qualified doctor.
  8. Students must attend the school daily with text books and note books according to the time-table.
  9. Students must put on neat and clean prescribed dress, properly ironed and polished shoes and look smart. Nails must be regularly clipped. Boys must have crew-cut hair and girls must put on two pony tails/pleats as per the length of the hair.
  10. They must use dust-bins and keep the class rooms and premises tidy and clean.
  11. They must not write on the walls and spoil the furniture by scratching or carving.
  12. Only the books and note books are to be brought as per syllabus / time table. Other books, newspapers, cellphones etc. are not allowed.
  13. Students must not loiter recklessly and are prohibited to visit the staff-room without permission.
  14. Presenting gifts to the teachers and inviting them to functions require prior permission of the Principal.
  15. Individual problems will be sympathetically considered but collective complaints cannot be entertained.
  16. Guardians or relatives are strictly prohibited to interview the teachers or their wards within the school premises or in the class without the permission of the Principal.
  17. Ninety percent attendance is compulsory for every student during the academic session.
  18. As per the CBSE Rules no student shall be eligible to take the Board Examination unless he/she has completed 75% of attendance counted from the opening of class IX/X upto the first of the month proceeding the month in which that Examination commence in the subject of “Internal Assessment”, Guardians and Parents of the student of Class X are to note this rule for their compliance.
  19. Every student is required to have an identity card containing his / her particulars.
  20. Promotions are granted on the basis of satisfactory work during the whole session.
  21. Late arrivals, absence without leave, negligence in doing class and home work, paying no attention to studies in the class are seriously viewed as these are tantamount to misconduct of duty. Strict action will be taken against the habitual defaulters. Late comers or absentees will not be allowed to enter the class without the permission of the Principal.
  22. General Assembly is an integral part of the school day with prayer to God and listening to the important announcements. Every student must attend the Assembly in time.
  23. Class work and home work is given every day. Guardians are requested to ensure that the work is completed in time. They must sign the home-work diary each day invariably.


  1. Students must not indulge in any act, which is subversive to law and order.
  2. They must be polite, soft spoken, friendly and cooperative among themselves and maintain decorum in and outside the school.
  3. They must strictly observe silence, avoid act of rowdism and maintain high discipline in their manners,conduct and behaviour.
  4. In the absence of the teachers in the classrooms, the monitor shall hold responsibility of maintaining silence and discipline with a spirit of service to the fellow students.
  5. Students found involved in any misconduct, would be liable to punishment and deterrent action may be taken against them, leading to their expulsion and rustication.

A child is better unborn than untaught.


  1. One month’s notice of withdrawal must be given in writing.
  2. School dues are to be paid in full.
  3. “No dues certificate” must be obtained from the school office before a T.C. is issued.
  4. In case of a student who has attended school at the commencement of the session, or thereafter,Transfer Certificate shall be issued to him/her only on payment of six month’s fee. Also, if a student withdraws his/her name in the middle of the session, Transfer Certificate shall be issued to him/her on clearance of all the dues of the current session.
  5. If any child is absent without information for a long time, his / her name will be struck off after a period of 30 days.
  6. If a child is re-admitted, full admission fee will be charged.